As the ninth annual Open Enrollment period gets underway, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces continue to evolve and important changes are expected. This issue brief discusses what changes to watch out for in the coming enrollment period. (Issue Brief)
Certain patients who couldn't get in to see a doctor earlier in the pandemic, or were avoiding the covid risks inside hospitals, have become too sick to stay away. Many ERs now struggle to cope with an onslaught of demand. (KHN, NPR)
The newly updated and upgraded KFF State Profiles for Women's Health interactive dashboard offers the latest national and state data and policies women's health, from health insurance coverage to abortion policy changes. (News Release, Interactive)
The federal government's hospital penalty program finishes its first decade by lowering payments to nearly half the nation's hospitals for readmitting too many Medicare patients within a month. Penalties, though often small, are credited with helping reduce the number of patients returning for another Medicare stay within 30 days. (KHN)
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